Empowering Healthcare


AI Innovation

Welcome to Dashamlav AI Labs, where we pioneer the future of healthcare with cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence solutions.
Dashamlav AI enables Doctors, Care Providers & Patients with precision care.
Dashamlav AI offers, medically validated, Precision Tools, Workflow Solutions & Advisory to alleviate bottlenecks in Clinical & Research Workflows, for better Practice outcomes, Higher patient coverage and thru-put, and Accurate Screening and Diagnosis.
We’re dedicated to revolutionizing medical research, analysis, and patient care by harnessing Real World Data (RWD) and Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs). Thus generating Real World Evidence (RWE) to support decision making for practitioners.
Besides providing a fundamental positive shift in Patient experience. Dive into a realm where innovation meets compassion, shaping a healthier tomorrow for all.


Specialty 1

Empowering Precision Oncology


Specialty 2

Leading the Fight Against Cancer

"Dashamlav Labs integrates

software and services to simplify

clinical complexity and enhance

overall performance."

Where Visionaries Meet Excellence

Dashamlav's OncFlow platform has helped us to digitise and consolidate Patient information on one single platform further improving decision making and overall efficiency.

DR. MUNISH GAIROLA Director of Department of Radiation Oncology at RGCI

I & my team have been using Dashamlav's Oncflow platform for quite some time now and it has proved to be one of the levers where I not only can effciently manage Patient data for effcient treatment plans, but also channalise that information for research work and papers.

DR. KUNDAN SINGH CHUFAL Senior consultant and Unit Head at RGCI

Using Dashamlav's OncFlow ecosystem, including the doctor & patient mobile apps, has been a transformative experience in streamlining documentation, accessed realtime Patient's information & increasing overall patient treatment plant & efficiency.

DR. ROBIN KHOSA Senior consultant Radiation Oncology at Apollo Hospital Delhi

This is to convey that I have been using Dashamlav's OncFlow Platform and Doctor facing app Medcompass, for some time now. It has empowered me to increase my consulting time with patients and have better and structured insights into the Patient journey with the overall treatment milestones. Looking forward to having more efficient and engaging usage for the larger kind of my patients.

DR. SHARAD SINGH Additional Professor & Head Department of Radiation Oncology Super Specialty Cancer Institute & Hospital,
Kalyan Singh super speciality cancer institute & Hospital

Dashamlav's OncFlow platform has enabled us to cover and digitise all of our OPD clinical data. One of the best features is OncoBot. It is easy to deep dive into our patient data and converse with it.

DR. IRFAN BASHIR MBBS DNB Fellowship St. Christopher's London Senior Consultant & Head of the department Radiation Oncology, Batra Hospital & Medical Research Centre

Solutions Overview



AI-Powered Clinical Data & Workflow Management, Structured and Real World Data (RWD). Generating Real World Evidence (RWE) to support Clinical decisions & outcomes.



Enhancing Collaboration for Doctors: A simple and intuitive tool for radiation oncologists to update each other on patient status within the team.



It's Dashamlav’s own Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) tool which is focused on the continuity of patients' well being from the comfort of their homes.



Meet OncoBot, your AI-driven assistant for querying data in natural language, interacting with results, and creating charts effortlessly. Revolutionize your approach to research and workflow management.



Unlock structured insights with OncFlow's intuitive tools for enhanced care outcomes and groundbreaking publishable research.

Digitization Services

Digitization Services

Data structuring and curating you legacy and new data in a digital form

Base Model

Base Model

A robust deep learning model designed for outcome prediction. Leverage the power to further train and customize the model with your own data.

Advisory from Experts

Advisory from Experts

Expert Advice on Practice Improvement


Precision Workflow Management, Structured Data & AI-Ready Images Oncflow Solution improve Financial & Clinical outcomes


Unleashing Collaboration for Doctors Collaboration tool for doctors. Simple, Intuitive, Ecosystem & Cross Platform


Patient Facing in Sync App Connecting patients to care ecosystem and their medical data


Embedded Generative AI Tool Powering advanced recommendation for Diagnosis, Research & Workflow


Structured Insights on your data for improving care outcomes, investigations and publishable research

Digitization Services

Data structuring and curating you legacy and new data in a digital form

Base Model

The Go-To Model, Trained AI Model, Enhanced Diagnosis, Workflow & Research Recommendation

Advisory from Experts

Expert Advice on Practice Improvement

Our Impact

Standardizing care protocols, have the potential to revolutionize healthcare outcomes.
Standardizing care protocols, increased overall quality-of-care scores by 11.9%, Diagnostic accuracy by 6.7%, a nearly 10%-point increase in evidence-based chemotherapy regimens and 56% increase in addressing palliative & a decline in unnecessary test ordering by 25%.
Scale-up of Imaging + Treatment + Care Quality would avert 12.5% of all deaths caused by the modeled cancers.
Dashamlavs solution suite impacts Workflows & Interconnectedness to create favorable ‘Cancer Outcomes’, quicker ‘Root Cause Analysis’, ‘Errors & Incidents’ reduction, ‘Waiting Time’ reduction, ‘Physician Time’ improvement, ‘Research Time’ reduction.

Use Cases

Dashamlav's Tools, Creating Solutions
& for Solving Top Use Cases

Physicians see the most promise for
Precision Tools to support Diagnosis
(72%) and Workflow (69%)

Physicians are most concerned
about the impact to the Patient-
Physician Relationship (39%) and
Patient Privacy (41%)

1. Generation of draft responses to patient portal messages
Web Designer


2. Generation of chart summaries
Web Designer


3. Translation services
Web Designer


4. Triage and case prioritization support engagement
Web Designer


5. Prediction of health risks, quality gaps, and treatment outcomes
Web Designer


6. Prediction of health risks, quality gaps, and treatment outcomes
Web Designer


7. Surgical simulations and guidance
Web Designer







Uses Cases with Highest Adoption & $/INR Impact (Increased Revenue, Saving Costs, Higher Grants)

Transformation thrives here:

At Dashamlav AI Labs, transformation isn’t just a goal—it’s our heartbeat. Here, ideas evolve into breakthroughs, data transforms into insights, and challenges ignite innovation. Join us in the journey where transformation thrives, shaping the landscape of healthcare one AI solution at a time.


Contact Information

Feel free to contact us for any questions and doubts

+91 8484927404


