REAL WORLD IMPACT: Overall Data Entry Easy & Highly Efficient Across Care Delivery
Scenario : Data entry outside of the Radiation Oncology process [e.g., entering Dose-Volume Histogram (DVH) and chemotherapy drug data] is an onerous repeated & an error prone task.
Efficient & Accurate: Out of the 12 total modules in the Dashamlav AI Suite, 9 took less than two minutes each to complete across all users and 7 took less than one minute.
The average time taken for completing each patient’s chart (Median, IQR: 212 seconds, 54 – 427) is less than the addition of each module individually, because data is actively entered once in the lifetime of the patient’s care journey, and repetitive entries like on-treatment clinical assessments and follow-up assessments are brief.
Overall Data Entry is easy and highly efficient across 12 stages of Care Delivery

- Faster Intuitive Data Entry
- One Time Only Data Entry
- Improved Quality of Care Deivery
DashamlavAI solutions has demonstrated improvements in Quality of Research & Care & Patient Outcomes, with Clear Economic Benefits.
Dashmlav Solutions Deliver: Real World Impact, Are Medically validated Improve ‘Quality of Care’, Deliver Promised Practice Outcomes. Measurable, Repeatable, Replicable & Publishable