REAL WORLD IMPACT: High Quality Publishable Research based on Own Data
Scenario: The collation of acute toxicity data (for a specialty) takes over 4 months using paper charts – the norm for most clinicians’ experience of retrospective reviews.
Impact: Using the Dashamlav AI Suite, demonstrated a new frontier where the data is entered contemporaneously with the assessment into a digital system according to the established classifications for toxicity.
The collation of acute toxicity data (for a specialty) takes less than a few clicks of buttons (10 minutes) using Dashamlav AI Suite + This data is more readily available for real-time data mining, display, and research.
Establishing whether RT imaging, contours and RT plan data can be stored in the DWS requires deliberate investigation.
When implemented, the time taken to enter DVH data manually in the Dashamlav AI Suite can be reduced further by directly importing DVH files from the TPS in UTF-8 format.

- Faster Accurate Research
- Higher Quality Research
- Contemporary Live Research
DashamlavAI solutions has demonstrated improvements in Quality of Care & Patient Outcomes, with Clear Economic Benefits.
Dashmlav Solutions Deliver:
Real World Impact, Are Medically validated Improve ‘Quality of Care’, Deliver Promised Practice Outcomes. Measurable, Repeatable, Replicable & Publishable